Q11: How long should an automatic update take? From which one will I see the relay status in the CCGX menu? Q10: I have multiple Solar chargers MPPT 150/70 running in parallel. Q9: When I type the ip-address of the Color Control GX into my browser, I see a web page mentioning Hiawatha? Q8: There is a menu entry named "Multi", while there is no Inverter, Multi or Quattro connected Q7: There is a menu entry named "Multi" instead of the VE.Bus product name Q6: I see incorrect current (amps) or power readings on my CCGX Q5: Can I connect multiple Color Control GX to a Multi/Inverter/Quattro? Q4: Can I connect both a GX Device and a VGR2/VER to a Multi/Inverter/Quattro?

Q3: I have no internet, where can I insert a sim-card? Q2: Do I need a BMV to see proper battery state of charge? Q1: I cannot switch my Multi/Quattro system on or off Conditions: User-definable parameters which trigger a generator auto-start. DVCC Features when using CAN-bus BMS Battery DVCC - Distributed Voltage and Current Control Via internet or with microSD-card/USB-stick Customize the logo on the Boat & Motorhome page The different solutions explained in detail

Which device should I use for SOC calculation? Menu structure and configurable parameters Alternative methods to find the IP Address for Remote Console Accessing Remote Console via the local LAN/WiFi Network More information about setting up an internet connection and VRM Connecting both Ethernet and Wi-Fi (failover) Mobile (cellular) network using a 3G or 4G router Connecting IMT Solar Irradiance, Temperature and Wind Speed Sensors Connecting third-party NMEA 2000 tank senders Skylla-i, Lynx Shunt VE.Can, Lynx Ion + Shunt and MPPTs with a VE.Can port Battery Monitor SmartShunt, BMV-700 series and MPPTs with a VE.Direct port Multis/Quattros/Inverters (VE.Bus products)